Complex Needs such as domestic abuse can happen to anyone. It is defined as any incident or pattern of controlling, coercive, threatening, physical violence, threatening behaviour or abusive behaviour between intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.


We run two domestic abuse services in London, providing support, advice and protection from domestic abuse, for men, women and children:

Our services empower people to live safely and free from fear or harm.

We are committed to excellence in everything we do. The success of our organisation and, crucially, the successes and outcomes of the people who use our services, depends on our ability to deliver consistently excellent services that exceed expectations.

We are aspirational – for our customers, staff and organisation. We aim high, seek out opportunities and do not shy away from the challenges we face. We believe in identifying, nurturing and developing potential and creating a culture of recognition and celebration across the organisation.

We know our organisation is stronger when we work in partnership with stakeholders, commissioners and crucially, customers. Partnership between staff and people who use our services informs and influences everything we do. Through working together at every level, customers and staff will together design and deliver flexible, personalised and better services.

We will be an organisation with a strong social purpose. We will be trusted by our commissioners and funders to deliver the services we say we will. We will behave with integrity and transparency. We will be trusted by our customers to deliver on our promises and by their loved ones to deliver safe and consistently high quality services.

We understand that getting the right care is very important; therefore we offer personalised support, according to each individual’s needs. Our core service includes on-site support, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year.

Friendly and professional staff provide positive role models for the young people we support. They develop warm relationships with each individual, guiding and encouraging towards increasing self-esteem, making positive changes and reaching goals.


Through our vast experiences and caring nature, Fortune Smiles encompasses the core beliefs that drive our passion and enthusiasm to better the lives of those young people who are most in need of guidance and care.

Combined with the importance of building bonds with young people, Fortune Smiles is an integrated service that prides our-selves in our multi-agency work ethic.

Our services will be executed to the highest standard by conducting initial assessments we will create a tailor made package to suit the needs of each individual.

We offer high rate services for those who require more support or a lower level provision for those who are more independent.

Ultimately we are focused and motivated to always promote their best interests beyond and above anything else.